Prize Winners: Hater Trilogy by David Moody

Hater by David Moody

You may remember, last year, that we ran a huge horror prize giveaway. The competition ran until February, and now it is time to start unveiling the winners. First up is the apocalyptic Hater trilogy by David Moody. The lucky winner of this signed edition is A W Marsden. Congratulations from everyone here at This …

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Spectral Press and This Is Horror Competition: The Winners

Spectral Press

Cast your minds back to the latter quarter of last year, and you’ll remember a little competition that Spectral Press ran in conjunction with This Is Horror magazine. Well, both Michael Wilson (Editor of This Is Horror) and Simon Marshall-Jones (Spectral Press Editor/Publisher) have been sifting and reading the fabulous entries, which were uniformly of …

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Greg Lamberson Interview – Part 2

The second and final part of our interview with Greg Lamberson. Interview: Greg Lamberson  

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Tulpa Takes Shape


Filming has begun for the third film from acclaimed Italian director Federico Zampalione, entitled Tulpa. Starring award winning actress Claudia Gerini in the leading role, Tulpa is the story of Lisa Boeri – a successful businesswoman with a penchant for sleazy sex clubs. When some of her lovers end up horribly murdered she decides to …

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Grimm Forecast for Spring

Grimm Up North

The lovely people at Grimm Up North have announced a whole raft of horror screenings that will keep us Northern horror fans entertained throughout Spring and early Summer. The line-up of events is as follows:- Friday 13 April 2012 – Supernatural Double Bill (@ The Burgess Foundation) Grave Encounters – Catch some brand new found …

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Ink on Ink: Sween

Today we’re lucky to have Sween featured in our Ink on Ink horror tattoo series. Interview: Sween  

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What’s the worst that could happen at Motel 6?

In BC Furtney’s latest instalment of Horror of Babylon he explores the terrifying world of Motel 6. Horror of Babylon – March 2012

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Thank You For Not Smoking

Today is ‘No Smoking’ Day. So who better, than Scarla author and resident columnist BC Furtney who has “never smoked a cigarette in his life” to lay down our Thank You For Not Smoking article? Thank You For Not Smoking

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Flash Fear: Evolution, 2:00am by Stephen Graham Jones

Next in our Flash Fear series is Stephen Graham Jones. His story, Evolution, 2:00am, is illustrated by Shawn Conn. Evolution, 2:00am by Stephen Graham Jones

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Strippers Bite Back!

Strippers vs Werewolves

Next month sees the release of one of the more outrageous British horror films of recent times. Unleashed into cinemas on 27 April, Strippers vs Werewolves promises to be fun for fans of both lupine horror and scantily clad, gorgeous women. Starring a host of familiar British names, Strippers vs Werewolves takes actors from the soaps …

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