4 Must Read Horror Articles

This week on Must Read Horror Articles:

  • Horror in video games: a personal history
  • History of Horror: Found Footage
  • Five underrated horror movies
  • C’mon Hollywood, make vampires scary again (or stake the genre in the heart)

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Horror in video games: a personal history

A complete rundown of horror history in video games posted a few weeks ago on John Forth’s website that we could not help but share.


History of Horror: Found Footage

Found footage films are as popular as ever, this article from The Perfect House website briefly looks into the history of the found footage film and tries to explain what makes them so popular.


Five underrated horror movies

We’ve recently had a list of top overrated horror films, here is a list of top underrated horror films  according to Matt Mueller’s Blogs at OnMilwaukee.com.


C’mon Hollywood: Make vampires scary again (or stake the genre in the heart)

In the last few years vampire credibility has been dripping away at a steady speed… Here is an article by Paul Shirey from JoBlow about what needs to be done to make vampires scary again.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/must-read-articles-3-september/

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