This Is Horror

Look Out For … All My Colors by David Quantick

“Quantick’s first effort in the horror genre looks to blend Kafka and The Twilight Zone with a revenge novel at turns mind bending and darkly comedic.”

The only reason Todd Milstead has any friends is because of his legendary parties. It’s March 1979 in Illinois and Mark is showing off his one redeemable talent—his impressive eidetic memory—during one his gatherings. Able to perfectly recall poetry and literature in its entirety, Todd begins to quote from a book no one else has ever heard of, a novel called All My Colors.

He can quote it cover to cover, but the book just doesn’t exist.

A wannabe writer, Todd also excels in infidelity, which is leading to a nasty divorce. With his money problems growing by the second, he tries to write again, with terrible results.

But All My Colors is in his head, and if nobody’s heard of it, why can’t he just write that book?

Tossing caution to the wind, Todd begins to realize the consequences of his actions, as he and his tortured friends come to understand they will all pay a painful price for his crime.

Why we’re excited about this book: 

David Quantick may not be a name heard often in the horror community, but many have heard of his writing efforts for the Emmy award winning television series Veep. The author of Sparks, Go West, The Mule, and the non-fiction writing books How to Write Everything and How to Be a Writer, Quantick has established himself as a writer with unending imagination. Quantick’s first effort in the horror genre looks to blend Kafka and The Twilight Zone with a revenge novel at turns mind bending and darkly comedic. Foreword Magazine says: “All My Colors is by turns a supernatural revenge fantasy, a black comedy, and a self-abnegating parody. It is hysterical, shocking, and propulsive—leave the lights on for its end.” Releasing from Titan Books 16 April 2019, you can pre-order All My Colors by David Quantick right now.