And he also happened to be a pretty good writer. I remember a Fangoria article expressing shock at how vilified Herbert’s work had been in his homeland by highbrow publications. “They should try reading John Saul” it said, before going on to describe how very well written Herbert’s books actually were. I also remember the Halloween edition of BBC chat show Wogan on which both James Herbert and Clive Barker appeared. Both horror writers, but both seemingly with very different personalities and very different approaches to their craft. While Barker claimed he lived horror in everything he saw and experienced, Herbert just shrugged and said “Once I’m away from the keyboard I’m just Jim again.” I hope he’s enjoying being Jim again now.
R.I.P James Herbert.
1 comment
I remember reading The Fog and The Rats early eighties. Scared the bejesus out of me but was so compelling you had to read it all, no matter how disturbing it was. Nice tribute John 🙂