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Australia’s Most Terrifying and Haunted Places: New South Wales

Picton TunnelThe oldest state in Australia, New South Wales, was the site of the first landing by the British in 1788. Eleven ships of the First Fleet set sail from Britain on 13 May 1787, with the leading ship, HMS Supply, reaching Botany Bay and setting up camp on the Kurnell Peninsula on 18 January 1788. For the next 225 years, people lived, and died, in a landscape varied and, at times, harsh and unforgiving.

This allows for a vast and plentiful list of places hounded by reports of supernatural activity, be they hospitals or asylums, private residence or stretches of road. This column will focus on the more-renowned places of paranormal interest within the state.


Picton, a quaint town south-west of Sydney, is reputedly Australia’s most haunted town. Its ghost tours ran from the late 90s through until 2011, when severe council restrictions forced the business to close.

The highlight of the tour was the infamous Redbank Range Tunnel. The tunnel runs 592 feet in length, carved into the hills of the Picton region. Used between 1867-1919, the tunnel served as the corridor for train services to and from Melbourne, until a new line was built around the hills. There are many rumours of spirits wandering the tunnel, allegedly related to the high number of suicides and deaths which took place on the train line before it diverted at a later stage. Witnesses have seen lights, gusts of winds, and shadows. There are also rumours of the ghost of a girl who had been assaulted and murdered, but she is seen rarely, and the ghost of a girl who hung herself at the entrance of the tunnel.

Above is a video documentary based on the anomalies around Picton.

Quarantine Station

Although picturesque and peaceful-looking, Sydney’s Quarantine Station (QS) harbours a dark past, entrenched in isolation, suffering, disease and death.

Built on ground used by Indigenous tribes for healing and burial rituals, the QS has been used for isolation of suspected disease carriers for over 150 years. From the 1830s to 1984, migrant ships arriving in Sydney with suspected contagious disease stopped inside North Head and off-loaded passengers and crew into quarantine to protect local residents from becoming sick. The QS ran for 150 years, growing during periods of infectious disease and shrinking during periods of health and reduced government coffers.

Many paranormal tours are run through the management of the QS, ranging from family-friendly tours to extreme tours, with an option of staying overnight. Guests can also take part in paranormal investigations run by the tour guides.

According to the site’s resident medium, there are at least fifty spirits wandering the hospital, the dining halls, the shower block, and the morgue, where an ominous mannequin lies under a sheet and the stench of death ignites the imagination. People who visit the now empty Quarantine Station are often pushed by people who are not there.

Monte Cristo, Junee

Monte Cristo Homestead, just outside the rural town of Junee, holds a reputation as Australia’s most haunted private residence, allegedly experiencing hauntings from at least ten ghostly entities. The original section was completed in 1885, with additional sections being added on over the years.

Monte Cristo Homestead has been explored by many ghost hunters – it has also been featured on the world famous Castle of Spirits website. The Australian Ghost Hunters Society regularly holds ghost hunts at Monte Cristo and have had some very interesting experiences there. Current owners Reg and Olive Ryan moved into the then-derelict house in 1963, and now run tours of the property outlining its dark and paranormal past.

Ghosts of Monte Cristo:

  • The ghost of original resident old Mrs Crawley has been seen many times in her former room
  • Many visitors report feelings of being unwelcome, and of being held in place while trying to ascend the stairs
  • Ghostly voices have been reported by visitors
  • Visiting psychics have reported Mrs Crawley’s presence in the dining room, one having left the room several times during a meal after allegedly being ordered to leave by the old lady
  • Then there are the mysterious lights and full-body apparitions reportedly witnessed throughout the years by visitors and guests

The Best of the Rest

Jenolan Caves

The Jenolan caves are the oldest caves in the world still open to the public for walk-throughs. It receives more than a quarter million visitors every year, and extends for miles beneath the surface. Every year, more and more stories emerge, of security gates rattling for no reason, display lights turning themselves on and off, and phantom figures appearing mysteriously. Many of the tales are connected to James Wiburd, Jenolan’s third caretaker, from 1903, and a passionate adventurer. It’s said that Wiburd so loved the place that he chose never to leave, lingering to keep an eye on things.

Maitland Gao

The building of Maitland began in 1844, with the official opening and arrival of the first prisoners in 1848. Built of sandstone, it is considered to be the most intact country gaol in New South Wales and is the longest continuously-operating correctional institution in Australia. Maitland Gaol closed in 1998. During its period of operation, sixteen men were hanged there, both at the main gates and in the back corner. Many spirits are said to haunt the old buildings.

Wakehurst Parkway in Sydney

A notorious stretch of highway that is known for many fatal crashes. Many are said to have been caused by a young girl by the name of ‘Kelly’, who appears in people’s motor vehicles as they drive along the dark road after midnight. If she is not informed that her presence is unwanted, she will make the car veer off the road and crash.

King George Avenue

King George Avenue in Tamworth has many reports of a phantom set of headlights appearing to people driving toward the city. Random electrical problems, such as fuses blowing, have also occurred frequently. This road used to be a popular drag strip for local youths, with a few reported deaths driving the rumours of a ‘ghost car’.


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    • Lejla on October 18, 2013 at 10:09 am
    • Reply

    The most haunted place in Australia by far is the Tarban Creek Lunatic Asylum built in 1838. It is a large complex in Gladesville nsw and it is unknown to many as it is so well hidden. Full of beautiful sandstone buildings built by convicts, secret tunnels and the whole place is haunted. I work there as it is now used mostly by nsw health.

    1. are there any tours available at this place??? would really love to go!

        • lejla on August 28, 2014 at 3:43 am
        • Reply

        Unfortunately no, but you can visit and walk around as it is open to the public (during the day).

        1. only during the day?? we cant come for a nightly stroll?

            • Matthew Dowse on October 21, 2016 at 1:40 am

            yes can you ??

        • A on March 20, 2017 at 11:22 pm
        • Reply

        Maitland does

        • Aaron on July 23, 2023 at 11:43 pm
        • Reply

        I have lived in Picton my whole life and I have never ever seen Ghost. I have been in the tunnel nothing happened

      • Flare on October 26, 2014 at 1:40 am
      • Reply

      HEY lejla i live on ground that was once used for unknown purposes at tarban creek and i think my house is haunted big time’

        • CoalfieldParanormal on October 29, 2015 at 1:29 am
        • Reply

        Where abouts do you live as many teams would investigate

      • mm on October 27, 2014 at 9:17 pm
      • Reply

      I live near here and have experienced many experiences when walking during the day. I never believed in ghists until i had an experience here. I am surprised it is not more well known

      • Janette on November 12, 2014 at 4:13 am
      • Reply

      My grandmother was a patient there. The stories are horrific, my grandmother recalled she refused to take the medication, her punishment was she was taken to wat she call the basement in there was a bed with leather shackles both legs and arms n head would be shackled a devise placed over her head and she would be electrocuted 2,3 or 4 times depending on wat nurse doctor was on beatings lack of food sexual abuse experimental brain surgerie it was know as if u went in as a patient u never got to walk out
      It took my grandfather many months to get my grandmother released

        • Tsd on February 26, 2018 at 12:13 am
        • Reply

        Yes, a very nasty facility.

        Electrocuted means death by cause of electricity, you mean electric shocks. People often get this wrong, which erodes the English language.

      • Ryan on June 24, 2015 at 9:42 am
      • Reply

      Sounds very interesting lejla

      • Andrew on February 3, 2016 at 9:47 am
      • Reply

      Beechworth Asylum is the most haunted

        • Jo on March 10, 2016 at 11:30 pm
        • Reply

        We spent New Years at the Hill End pub and several weird goings on in our room (No. 6) and I posted these about two months ago. Hayden (also on the website) replied then, he also had some interesting experiences in this location. Another place to def’ check out is a holiday cottage near Oberon, called Brae Lossie. You can see it on We went there several times with no incidents then one weekend, the weird business started at full volume. We were informed by a very well respected psychic that in the late 1890s an itinerant had asked for a bed for the night from the then-owner, an aboriginal man. The itinerant murdered him and buried him on the property but since the place was so isolated then (still is) and people moved around a lot usually in search of gold then, no one really noticed that the property had changed hands. So the itinerant was still trying to protect his secret. Apparently because we had kept going back, it decided to try and scare us off. Most people don’t return for a holiday or weekend there but they aren’t sure why. There have been other incidents there due to ths haunting: fights, quarrels, at least two stabbings, one of them fatal. If you do go, get yourself plenty of psychic protection.

          • Hayden on May 9, 2016 at 9:12 am
          • Reply

          Jo google hill end hotel nsw ghost evp.

            • Soraya Welin on May 14, 2023 at 12:58 pm

            Hi Haydn and jo… arghh it’s soy!! How funny finding your posts

        1. Hi Hayden and Jo, we are doing a show from 5pm this afternoon, focusing on interactions like this in the Central West of NSW ( we are located Bathurst), If you would wouldn’t mind further expanding on your stories please fee free to contact me, or 02 6331 7777. Thank you in advanced,

          • Brittanie on March 15, 2018 at 4:13 am
          • Reply

          Wow! My nan and pop took me to hill end a while ago i was about 11, now 18 years old amd i can still feel the very imcomfortable feeling you get when you enter that town. We stayed in the caravan park there and there is a cemertary inside as i was walking past i seen a dark witch like figure standing there in the middle of the cemertary. Such a haunted scary place definatly want to go back as now i have developed quite some interesting spirtal connections. thanks for sharing you story iy bough back some great memories

      1. Yes it is hidden away n I’ve been there for a scout- about its on my Instagram hashtag #hauntednsw …. Nice old place but… 1) inaccessible as is still a currently functioning health work facility with the reliant camera security , high fences n many a trespasser warning of prosecution . Sure inside has many a disembodied malevolent entities n ghosts and stories to tell but I and many others will tell u as far as most haunted by far I think is Monte Cristo homestead in Junee NSW . I’d regard that as gospel from my own opinion havin been there twice ( that Chapel room I just cannot stay in) n many an educated seasoned paranormal expert on sure would agree. Plus Junee one u can visit n stay in – gladesville …. No access

        1. Didn’t realise my comment above filled with so many errors…. Typed to fast ! Monte Cristo homestead stays at number one for me ! But if u want to know two other Sydney/ nsw spots that I know two proper legit ghost hunters/ paranormal experts REFUSE to go to again or took 18months till got courage up to return …. It’s blue mountains area – Woodford Academy and Queen Victoria memorial hospital Asylum in Wentworth Falls Nsw. I myself have the Shamrock Inn around that area ( Little Hartley NSW just where Blue Mountains area joins Lithgow area….) as the freakiest place I’ve been to for ghosts – f**kin creepy As !!! Check @chefsean666 on Instagram I got plenty of stuff

            • tracey on April 9, 2017 at 11:47 am

            Hope when you went to Queen Victoria, you were a mask. The place is full of asbestos

        2. Ah yes I have been to the Monte Cristo homestead in Junee and i must say it is very haunted. I have been there 4 times including an overnight stay, I have seen an apparition and i have captured ghosts/spirits with my camera. I have also experienced cold spots, lights flickering, headaches due to the level of energy in the house and my emotions changing very rapidly which were mostly anger and sadness.

            • Heena on July 11, 2016 at 2:12 pm

            Hi I would like to see ur pic collection of ghosts pls do mail me

      • Tamara Jones on April 13, 2016 at 4:52 pm
      • Reply

      How do you exactly know that it is haunted though?

    2. Where is this place like where is it located

      1. Punt Road at end of banjo Paterson park carpark …. Walk around to left there’s path n roadway go up near the fenced off building walk around it to where there’s driveway where cars go in an area ahead have rusty sign facing northward saying “bedlam bay- parramatta river regional park” – next to it is sporting ground area oval / cricket pitch ….. Look up on the Hill….. That building is the Old Gladesville Hospital aka Tarban Creek Asylum

      • TG on May 9, 2016 at 1:47 am
      • Reply

      I grew up within walking distance of this place and never lived in fear of anything except the living!

      The weirdest experience we had was playing down at the old dam when a man came walking down the track, said nothing to us but moved my friend aside by a hand on the shoulder. We watched as he just disappeared as he walked away. My friend’s shoulder had a bloody handprint on it that faded as we got closer to home. His mum saw the last of it and rang the hospital to see if anyone had been violent and escaped, but they had nobody matching that.

      I suppose as kids we saw things there day and night but thought nothing of it. Now a lot of it is just a blur.

    • Cassidy Anderson on December 10, 2013 at 1:43 am
    • Reply

    Tasmania is the oldest state as the first fleet landed there, that’s why they have port Arthur. That’s where they kept the convicts so that would be the most haunted!

      • Peter Brooks on February 16, 2014 at 3:05 am
      • Reply

      Not sure what they taught you at school, but NSW is the oldest state and the destination of the First Fleet, not Tasmania. Port Arthur, by the way, isn’t even the oldest penal colony in Tasmania.

        • Carolyn Blackburn on September 11, 2023 at 3:33 pm
        • Reply

        The scariest place I have found is the Manly Quarantine station.My daughter & I have psychic ability and the showers there were frightening.What we felt was jabbing in our stomachs & sides & we were feeling sick.Dark shadows and orbs appearing where others on the ghost tour felt nothing.We heard a young girl who was being sick and then the ghost tour lady told us about this young girl who was sick and wandered in the wood area where we were standing near the cemetery area.

      • Eryn on February 17, 2014 at 4:14 am
      • Reply

      I think you’re mistaken. Port Jackson was where they landed, in NSW.

      • Charlotte on July 25, 2015 at 11:29 pm
      • Reply

      Yeah that is historically inaccurate; the First Fleet landed in Botany Bay, Sydney New South Wales.

        • Maddie on November 22, 2018 at 4:35 am
        • Reply

        My understanding is that the First Fleet initially sailed into Botany Bay as Captain Cook had said that that was a good harbour. They found however that it was too shallow and open to be a good place to set up the first settlement. They then headed north to Port Jackson where they Captain Phillip first stepped foot on Australian soil at Manly. He, as legend has it, named the area Manly Cove because of the “manly” indigenous who greeted him there (probably not true though!!).

    • rob on December 13, 2013 at 9:57 am
    • Reply

    I’m in year three and I no the fist fleet was real so that makes this ghost story real

    • Spoooky on January 24, 2014 at 7:53 am
    • Reply

    On wakehurst parkway, there was a guy driving along and a girl in a white dress sticks out her hand like she was hitchihiking. He pulls over and asks where she lives.she replies and takes her home. He walks up to the door and says to the father that answered “I picked up your daughter from the side of the road” he starts crying and says “my daughter died 10 years ago” the man looks at the girl and her white dress is filled with blood and her chest has stab wounds in it.

    1. That story has been common in at least 3 states in the US since the 1950s….. it’s just an urban myth. (The girl’s name is usually “Mary” and she was killed in a car accident. She usually gets picked up by a cemetery)

      1. Fake. How’s a cemetery gunna pick up a girl & take her home.

          • Beau.r on September 1, 2022 at 11:39 pm
          • Reply

          As if Wakehurst Parkway us haunted

        • Charlotte on July 25, 2015 at 11:31 pm
        • Reply

        Picked up by a ‘cemetery’?

      • Beau.r on September 1, 2022 at 11:36 pm
      • Reply

      As if Wakehurst Parkways haunted. It just a stretch of highway

    • Haydos on May 16, 2014 at 11:55 am
    • Reply

    I live in Picton and the abandoned hospital should have been mentioned. The hospital is so haunted that the staff refused to keep working their and so they built a new one right next to it. Some of the American ghost hunter people on those shows went their once and refused to stay the night. There is also a morgue underneath and it is cut into the bedrock so it has bedrock walls and floor which makes it cold and creepy.

      • Diana on June 11, 2014 at 10:50 am
      • Reply

      Where is it?

    1. and is it alright to go there at night or something??
      will we be able to go there??

      • kim on November 30, 2015 at 1:15 am
      • Reply

      omg i wanna go!!

    • sherri hopkins on August 17, 2014 at 10:50 am
    • Reply

    I used to play as a child in Ben Boyd’s house in Neutral Bay,it was pretty spooky.

    • Flare on October 26, 2014 at 1:37 am
    • Reply

    i live on ground that used to be used for the tarban creek asylum and in my opinion
    i think my house is haunted

    1. There are graves everywhere. Seen an episode of who do you think you are the dad in the movie the castle his ancestor buried there

    • Becca on November 3, 2014 at 7:02 am
    • Reply

    There’s an intriguing story about a possible Aboriginal tapestry inhabited by weird beings in a lodging house in Mandurah in Tom Slemen’s book Tales of the Weird:

      • jo on November 18, 2014 at 10:28 am
      • Reply

      Does anyone know the spooky history behind Blair Athol? TIA

      1. Jo do u mean Blair Athol in sydneys Campbelltown area??? Or the Blair Athol cottage in Wollembi NSW or somewhere? I can tell u some thing if it’s the first one …. And again this is from two people who worked there. Behind Blair Athol in Campbelltown is Eschol Park a famed old building (where I got married) Eschol Park House – lovely function venue but lead up to me picking venues I “read and heard” rumours of “those not yet moved on” still being there. A guy I used to work with we’ll call D works there as a barman- he’s heard of the rumours n only corroborates anything by late at nites after functions whilst Being there one gets an unnerving eerie feeling that someone’s watching you and peculiar noises in other room like someone walking round knocking things over – D was sure it was a workmate one time yet he found he was only person in house n felt strange and his coworkers had gone . He said it was strange . Literally felt like other person in room watching him. …. Weird

    • Maddie on December 3, 2014 at 3:08 am
    • Reply

    Have been to both the Q Station at Monte Cristo. At both I have definitely had experiences. The Govenor’s Ballroom and attached kitchen are probably the worst places I have been – the atmosphere is very oppressive and I felt physically ill. Also caught a photo of a face peering through a window (looked almost like a reflection) in the Hospital building. In Monte Cristo I entered the room at the right hand side at the top of the stairs. I became breathless and extremely nauseated and my brand new camera would not work – it couldn’t focus on anything and eventually shut down and wouldn’t turn back on until I left the room. In the bedroom opposite I also caught an unexplained mist in one corner on a photo.

      • Ali on January 6, 2015 at 11:08 pm
      • Reply

      Thats pretty creepy!

      • Spooked. on January 22, 2015 at 11:33 am
      • Reply

      I felt the same in the room at the top of the stairs at monte Christo. It was icy cold and I felt really weird. I backed out very quickly and felt much better instantly.

    1. Maddie find me on Instagram as chefsean666 I went too Junee n twice went to monte Cristo I too in that hall ballroom had a moment where I guess silly enuff was alone in that room mrs n brother n his GF were otherwise elsewhere and I had a flicker behind me in reflection of mirror of what I’d’ve guessed was a young girl running past behind me with a faint giggle…. I turned n nobody there!!! I fuckin wigged out also caretakers quarters I shat myself in coz of that bloody mannequin of shrouded lady next to the bed…. These are in my Insta posts…. Still freaks me talking bout em. That Chapel too at Monte Cristo…. Broad daylight I was there bout 11am … I did not wanna go into that chapel feeling of morbid soul numbing dread of it petrified me!!! Loved it tho!!!

        • Sophie on January 7, 2023 at 8:37 am
        • Reply

        Hi mate. Do you still have an Instagram account we can follow

    • bandana shakya on December 22, 2014 at 3:28 am
    • Reply

    Maddie, would you share the photos with us?

    • Allan. W. Gray on January 26, 2015 at 11:08 am
    • Reply

    Hello Everyone, Do ghosts really scare people that much, because I’m not scared at all, humans scare me a lot more. I lived in a haunted house for 12+ months and I found it fascinating as well as annoying. It was haunted by the former residents. The house was demolished some years ago. I once went to the famous QS several years ago, but nothing spooky there either, maybe I just wasn’t tuned in…But I’d like to visit a nice spooky place just absorb all the atmsphere.

    • allan on February 14, 2015 at 11:26 am
    • Reply

    I lived at the “Mushroom Tunnel” ( as the next door neighbor ) from 1960 until 1985, some 25 years, and it was walled off for some time during this period, at either end, with an entrance door, for complete darkness and the growing of mushrooms. Having been through the tunnel probably several hundred times at least, often alone and feeling my way in the absolute complete blackness of the dark, so I have to agree with Mr Vincent and categorically state for the record that there is absolutely nothing paranormal or unusual about the tunnel or its surrounds and the whole myth was possibly created, for the gullible, as a means to a financial end, on a return trip from Tasmania.
    I mean really folks….picture this…….we even held a seance in there!……nothing at all, not even a whisper of air movement, no unusual feelings, no figures, no apparitions, nothing!

    1. Allen i was there in 2009 and i filmed a female face in the tunnel on my phone i did send it to people, but i think its been lost now.The female seemed young with dark hair it was towards the end of the tunnel the face would appear on my phone, and this happened in broad daylights

      • tracey on April 9, 2017 at 7:23 am
      • Reply

      Totally disagree. I have investigated that tunnel numerous times in the past ( not in a tour) & with fellow investigators, using scientific equipment. It was common to see the coloured lights & hear rocks being thrown around you when no other person was in there. We even captured that on IR video which we still have. We also witnessed one of those lights becoming large and forming into a whitish figure that was floating off the ground and looked like a holagram. I have numerous EVP taken on a voice recorder and also on a ghostbox.

  1. The L of Maitland GAO seems to have vanished in the article above …. Spoooooooky 🙂

    • Danny H. on March 12, 2015 at 3:29 am
    • Reply

    I live in the famous Child’s Road Chipping Norton haunted house (its the land that’s haunted). After discussions with a “spiritual helper” I managed after 27 long years to get rid of my unwanted guests. Apparently, a man in his late 40’s died before his wife who died in her early 40’s. They have been trying to find each other. I laid out salt, lit candles and said “Go to the light with love. Please leave this place.” This took a whole day but finally success! What did they do all those years? Heavy footsteps, cold areas especially in my master bedroom, feeling a prescence lay on my bed and strange whispers. To top it all off, I had to put up with noisy knocking throughout the night every night. I dared anyone $100.00 to stay in the master bedroom for one night. No one was game enough to take up the offer. When my mother was alive, she would see a little blond girl in 19th century attire although I never saw her. CREEPY! Now I’m ghost free!

    1. dang it, I wanted to visit this place. *sigh*. good job though

    2. Danny…. Really ?

      • Sean on March 17, 2018 at 7:17 pm
      • Reply

      This place …. address is what I passed it few months back is there house there now I bought some ghost gear EMF detector / K2 meter I’d go check it out. DM or chat reply on Instagram I’m @chefsean666 #hauntednsw

      • Jessie on March 19, 2018 at 11:14 am
      • Reply

      Was this in chipping Norton nsw?

        • Sean on March 20, 2018 at 10:11 am
        • Reply

        WELL im pretty sure it’s the only suburb in Australian states with that name so I’d guess yes …. near Lansvale/ Warwick Farm

      • Jess on May 17, 2019 at 4:49 am
      • Reply

      Hey there, I’m just wondering if this house was a two story red brick house. Hard to explain, but I lived in a house in chipping norton and had some very Wierd experiences about 23 years ago. Would like to chat about it. Jess

        • Sean on April 4, 2020 at 11:13 pm
        • Reply

        Hi jess can u give me a house number for this child’s road place it maybe same one …..? If you’re on Instagram msg me I’m @chefsean666

    • Shannon on March 22, 2015 at 9:55 am
    • Reply

    Is it strange that I feel overwhelmed when I am near a cemetery? There is a cemetery near a park where I live I can’t pass by it with having a sense of dread and a feeling of being watched.

    1. Shannon try up back of Mount Kembla near Wollongong nsw, Windy Gully Cemetery at nite in dark in the rain pitch black same vibe I went there one nite alone ….. Creeeepy and same vibe so felt like there’s someone something watching you … And when I’d just about had enough I bolted to the car…. And. … Got in locked doors ….and like straight outta Hollywood…. Hehe car ignition wouldn’t start — 5 attempts nothing it kicked over on the 6th n I sped off … Adrenaline rush I loved it but also nearly crapped my pants

      • Sean on March 17, 2018 at 7:18 pm
      • Reply

      What cemetery is this?

    • Hayden on May 19, 2015 at 6:50 am
    • Reply


      • Jo on January 5, 2016 at 2:13 am
      • Reply

      Just found this interesting site. We just spent New Years at the Royal Hotel, Hill End. Brilliant old place! We were in Room 12. During the first night (undisturbed) my husband’s cigarette lighter which he had placed in his packet of tobacco went missing. The next night (again undisturbed) I had put the room key in my handbag and locked the door behind us when we turned in. In the morning, the room key was sitting on the bedside table and the door wide open. The locals said that this room is reputedly haunted by a lady but no-one seems to know the story behind the haunting, only that it was probably back in the gold-rush heyday. It was a brave ghost to go into my handbag (known in our household as ‘The Bermuda Triangle’) and get the key out! The cigarette lighter never showed up. Does anyone know anything behind this particular story?

        • Hayden on January 16, 2016 at 10:19 pm
        • Reply

        Hi jo we stayed in room 6 overlooking the main street nothing occurred during the two nights as a ghost hunter was disappointed. But I captured many voices and the reflection of a boy and a woman in the hospital I asked many questions including how many people are in here and heard a girl say 10 shortly I then asked why are you still here because we are GHOSTS. I left voice recorders run all night and actualy heard a man and woman talking about eggs and sugar thi was 18 mins after closing time in the waiting room and the camcorder set up down the corridor captured the same evp and shadow movement at the same location.The boy and the woman were in period clothing her long dress here hair done up. Another location in hill end that I got a great evp of a girl saying MMM after I told my dad to avoid that ants nest was at KISSING PT LOOKOUT.

    • Hayden on May 22, 2015 at 8:41 am
    • Reply

    Hill end the old gold mining town is very haunted old miners still linger from the 1870s . the old hospital now the museum has many ghosts still walking the halls. npws conducts ghost tours .

      • Meg mclennan on January 16, 2018 at 11:23 am
      • Reply

      Several years ago I stayed in what was known as the old post office. It was a privately owned cottage that was extremely haunted. During the night I heard people talking and laughing and actually thought there was a party going on up the road. The sounds were on the roof.
      I heard someone chopping and cutting up vegetables in the little old kitchen and there was a very strong smell of onions in the morning.
      I had a very restless night but my partner slept through everything.
      We went back in 2016 and the house was no longer available to rent/ stay in.

    • Shaun Calvert on July 23, 2015 at 5:20 am
    • Reply

    Hi Haydos,
    I know these posts were put rhere a while ago, although i have only stumbled across this site today. I like to think of myself as a novice Paranormal investigator and i would like to further my experiences, at a venue like this would be fantastic/ What are the chances of this place being open to the public to conduct a paranorman investigatiuon?

    • Charlotte on July 25, 2015 at 11:39 pm
    • Reply

    They should’ve mentioned Ranala House (spelling may be incorrect), I stayed there once in a room next to the attic stairs. The man who showed us to our room told us that the attic was haunted by the Ghost of a Nun. I always felt like I was being watched whenever I was completely alone and I couldn’t get to sleep; when ever I was drifting off to sleep I would suddenly feel really scared and ‘wake up again’.

      • Sean on March 17, 2018 at 7:20 pm
      • Reply

      IN Dubbo ? Ranelagh House?

        • Ash on August 27, 2019 at 9:41 am
        • Reply

        It’s not Ranelagh house in dubbo… there is no attic in that house. If there are spirits in Ranelagh house they are content or at least we’re content while we stayed there with our children. I did feel as though Mr Gill (original owner) would have been happy to hear the sounds of children’s laughter in the halls since he built it to house his 10 children.

  2. Hey everyone. Can you tell me or suggest a place or an area that might be haunted or has some paranormal things going on there? I want to investigate them and see things for myself. please give me some info.

      • kim on November 30, 2015 at 1:18 am
      • Reply

      berrima jail

    1. Little Hartley at the west end of the nsw blue mountains creeeeepy as – shamrock inn n courthouse

    • Amanda on September 22, 2015 at 9:36 am
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    Hi Shifat I think that Tarban Creek mental asylum and Tarban creek area are your best bet to visit for lots of opportunities its very interesting as the ground have open access and you can go in day or night and they are very large. There is a long tunnel from the asylum grounds to a place called the priory where the Former Medical Superintendent lived. On the opposite side is Banjo Patterson’s house, now a restaurant and also haunted upstairs. Its a very well know fact the whole area is extremely haunted, Ive lived in the area for 5 years opposite Tarban creek itself and we have had a ghost here the whole time. This whole area was originally where Aboriginal tribes resided as there are rock paintings along the shores so there is also those descendants and their spirits here. Many people have mentioned sightings around this area and through the tunnel as well as inside the asylum, remembering that back in those days people with mental and emotional problems, poor and criminals and people who were actual sane were admitted and pretty much locked away together. “People who were officially stamped lunatics because of ‘domestic trouble’, ‘religious excitement’, ‘love affairs and seduction’, ‘nostalgia’, ‘sun stroke’, ‘overwork’ and ‘sexual intemperance’” were here, so it doesnt surprise me that so many are sighted still inside the Asylum, or are searching for their loved ones. It was built on top of 1000 corpses in mass graves.

    • Louise on December 12, 2015 at 5:32 am
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    I came across this website and everyones’ comments today. I would urge you not to pursue these activities/encounters as entities may attach themselves to you. It’s not a game, people. Take care…

      • Frank Fraz on March 17, 2016 at 1:07 am
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      true,, i lived with it six months

      • Jo on March 22, 2016 at 8:39 pm
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      This is very true, thanks Louise for the timely reminder. If you must do these things, protect yourself with white light meditation, white candles and be respectful. So many people treat séances as some sort of party game and it isn’t. You are opening a Door between worlds and sometimes spirits and entities do not go back through that Door.

      • Sean on March 17, 2018 at 7:30 pm
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      Some of us are quite capable of handling ourselves in these exploration situations . Louise, Only risk I see in these things is if I trespass n get caught n face the fine . Some of us ( me n friends) do these trips with proper ghost hunting gear so if “ there’s someone” we able to try m talk to them ….. see if we are wanted there if we get msg that we are NOT by whatever entity may make itself known then we go. If ur legit into this u have to respect the dead or they can come n give u/ the living a reminder that U shouldn’t have disturbed them . In general there’s nothing wrong with us exploring these places totally harmless

  3. The Anderson Stuart Building @ Sydney University is supposedly haunted. My mother worked there for 25 years; she used to type student essays after hours in the old days before laptops.
    I would pick her up & take her to Redfern station for the trip home often well after sundown when the building was locked up & all was in darkness (I had a side door key). One night she asked a PhD student whose thesis she was finishing off to make her a cup of tea.The student returned minutes later absolutely terror-struck. When she regained a degree of composure, she claimed she had been groped by an unseen assailant & absolutely refused to leave my mother’s office by herself. The story goes that this was the ghost of a randy old professor. My mother had several such stories. The place was certainly pretty creepy. It contained an anatomy museum with prosecuted bodies in glass tanks of formaldehyde. The long high central hall had a marble floor and busts of famous medical people placed at regular intervals on rails along both walls. One winter night c1976 about 8pm, I entered through the caretakers side door & was walking down this corridor in darkness with only the dim outlines of the busts visible. My footsteps echoed on the stone floor. All of a sudden I got the feeling that I wasn’t alone & so I stopped. The sound of footsteps trailed off down the corridor for about another 8 or 9 paces. My mother was seated at her typewriter as usual & asked me to get her a cuppa when I entered her office. No she hadn’t left her office for any reason since telling the caretaker she would lock up as she hadn’t finished – @ 7.00pm when he’d finished work & left for the night. The student for whom she was typing she had just phoned to clarify the spelling of a couple of words. We were alone in the building.

    • Andrew on February 3, 2016 at 10:36 pm
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    Callan park and Queen Victoria hospital at wentworth falls top my list of favorite places to investigate. I have uploaded all my investigations onto YouTube which i am happy to share. I have been to alot of haunted locations in Sydney l.

    1. Hi Andrew,
      I have visited many haunted places before such as Quarantine Station, Tarban Creek, Monte Cristo homestead, there was a ghost tour in the city where we visited many haunted locations in one night, red bank range tunnel, Helensburg TB hospital and wakehurst parkway. I believe that these locations are all haunted so I was wondering if you could you tell me where you have explored and what happened in those places?

      1. What is your name/ page on YouTube Tia?? I’m LordAsmodeus666 most of my stuff is on Instagram where I’m @chefsean666 bout 100+ posts on my #hauntednsw tag. I did monte Cristo ( I do not like that Chapel room …. Hate it- ) I have some photos a Insta buddy took that she doesn’t share with many of appirition weird must orbs n shadowy something she shot… Give me ur opinion on Picton tunnel? Is or isn’t?? I drove out to Queen Vic hospital in mountains bout month ago – creepy as f**k out there just the location alone- did Blue Mountains ghost tour THAT was time n creepy experience with Ovilus, EVP, physical presence…. Torches moving by themselves….

      • Yazeed Alghannam on April 17, 2016 at 10:56 am
      • Reply

      Hi Andrew,,
      Can you share the link of your video please? Thanks

  4. Frank please divulge what u mean by u have lived with this for six months? What happened – my experience an entity will only attach itself to u if it’s provoked, sceptics will even say nothing will happen – what was it that plagued u where n when n how?

  5. Jo if it’s Blair Athol Campbelltown I’d say the most famed tale of the area is Fishers Ghost of which they hold an annual festival for the legend of it

    • Emily on May 9, 2016 at 2:47 am
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    I lived in Wilton/Picton for most of my life, the hospital is really creepy and I have been in the mushroom tunnels and I went to hide in one of the cut outs but stopped when I saw the outline of a short female. The house I used to live in also had a female presence.

    1. Emily….. Tell me ur last name isn’t Bollard ?

        • Emily on May 9, 2016 at 10:27 pm
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        No, it’s not bollard why?

  6. U kidding me Emily?…. The name of the ghost of the girl who rumoured to haunt the Picton Tunnel is Emily Bollard …. The little girl killed in train accident

      • amber on October 4, 2016 at 4:51 am
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      Actually emily bollard was a 55 yr old woman. I found the picton post article on it

    • Emily on June 3, 2016 at 10:38 am
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    Does anyone know anything about the history of young and if there are any haunted places in Young

  7. Emily…. In regard to Young being haunted I don’t think much there but top place in country is 1 HR n 17 mins away from Young is Junee, nsw— home of Monte Cristo Homestead – country’s most famous haunted house

    • AJH on July 9, 2016 at 12:48 pm
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    The Murder Road port Macquarie (AKA the Ghost road). It was said that back in the 1800s there was a bush ranger who used to past through the area, I’m not sure of his name.
    back in that time the Ghost road was a series of track crossing various creeks and swamp land. I was told that there was a massacre of the drivers of a cattle train passing through the area.
    It is said that if you stop on the side of the Ghost road late at night you can still hear gun fire and shouting
    No reports of people being attacked by these entities has been reported, there are. mysterious unexplained fogs and various cold spots.

      • Sean on March 17, 2018 at 7:35 pm
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      Port by night ghost tours is run by a guy named Bruce…. ask him bout the murder road AJH. Msg him even 0412217060. Port Macquarie pioneer. Emetery is active courthouse is too

  8. Instagram I’m there as @chefsean666 check out my 200+ posts on my
    #hauntednsw tag

    • Rowan ferrel on September 7, 2016 at 3:35 pm
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    There are many local reports of sighting of a White Lady. She wanders along king george avenue and nearby scotts road in Tamworth, causing cars to swerve to avoid hitting her. No confirmation about who she was, however two urban legends exist. One states she was murdered and the other states suicide after her children died.

    • Zac on September 21, 2016 at 6:50 am
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    Hi I’m Zac, I am a twelve year old boy and here is my story
    Vintage Lakes, South Tweed, NSW, Australia
    The weather was beautiful as it always is in Australia. It was a sunny day, the large colourful variety of wonderful birds were chirping and the sky was cloudless. That’s when everything went terribly wrong, I turned my little bike into the dark forest grove where the large and menacing trees blotted out the sky and the only exits were the two small openings at the front and back as the sides were covered by large wooden fences. I rode to the middle and stopped realising the birds were silent and the wind was unusually strong. That’s when I saw it, a large non-human humanoid figure which was only red, my heart started pounding and I felt only fear for what it might be. It walked forward taking no notice of me. Suddenly, being the headstrong 10-year-old I was, I rushed at it . I neared it as it turned a bend in the path but, by the time I was there, it had disappeared. This figure had someone how managed to escape a place with no reachable exits and disappear without a trace. As I biked out of that dark grove, the small passageway the length of a house felt like a mile of land that was inescapable and would trap me there forever. I was always a believer in other beings, whether you call then spirits, energy beings or ghosts, I believed in them. But now, my perspective had become something more. I had a face-to-face encounter with something that was not a living being. I never forgot that day and I never will feel such fright as I did.

    • Max Cook on November 12, 2016 at 8:23 am
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    I would like to say that Monte Cristi is not as haunted as people say, and the only cold spot you feel, is your DINNER……very expensive for a night of listening about the owners family problems, cheap stage play acting, grandeur-ing by the current owners who spoke about the Crawley family as if it was the current owners personal pets. As a medium and physic since childhood, I felt any spirits in that house are long gone (possibly due to the current owners). The only evidence of the past is the continual circulation of old tales and rumours which follows any history.

    • Sandy Hancock on January 6, 2017 at 3:31 am
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    Just came across this sight, and have to say that Rydal, outside Lithgow, in NSW is very haunted.I have seen many shadow figures in and around the buildings there, including the Rydal Pub, the old school (now a B&B) and the old Train Station (also now a B&B).

    1. Ur not the first person here to mention Bathurst actually Sandy . On my Instagram ( @chefsean666 #hauntednsw ) I posted Machattie Park n there’s Abercrombie House in Stewart’s Mount that I wanted to check out but was bout twenty mins late n missed out ….. there’s where weird screams coming from that park late at nite are said to be heard . Haven’t heard of Rydal

    • #laney penn rules on January 15, 2017 at 10:31 pm
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    • #laney penn rules on January 16, 2017 at 12:00 am
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    i acully had a ghost encounter before! at my old house ocird way wadalba my bff was over i was playing my tablet and she said there’s something in the spare room and i said abby stop joking and i knew that there wern’t such things that exist or wich i thought… later that night i was going to close the spare room door when i saw the most horrifing thing… it was a LEG!!!!! I i was sooo scard i bolted down the hallway and ran to the louge. so later my mum asked me if i wanted to wach a movie with her i ageed because i needed to get my mind of that thing. but just as i almost fell asleep my mum said to go to bed and i was like CREP! [CRAP] my room is like infront of the spare room! so for the whole night i had my door closed and i was hiding under my blanket no matter how sweaty or tired i was i coulden’t get any sleep! and from that day on strange things hapend! oh and i forgot to menchan it was a new built house! anyway the spare rooms lights and the couberd ushally opend and turned on by there selvs and i could of swear that at night i heard footsteps in the hallway! then a month later we moved to a new house! and this house is NOT haunted but my sister and i went for a walk we came home and her draws were open! and my parents were at the shops!
    so this is the point were i belive in ghosts and search up any paranormal stuff on my computer. till then #laney penn rules!

    • Andrew on March 4, 2017 at 9:14 pm
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    I lived in a house built in the late 1800’s in Wickham, Newcastle. Countless incidences involving unexplained happenings from memory card in the PlayStation self ejecting half way across the room, actually seeing the apparition and being so overwhelmed by its presents to the point of blanking out with fear…. such a sceptic I am with years passing I begin to think was it all real did those events actually take place..
    It’s # 28 bishopsgate st Wickham.
    Am right now in bed at the Russell hotel Sydney waiting for my girl (who could sleep all day)to wake up and doing a little research on this place apparently being in one of the top ten most haunted hotels. Completely event free stay last night btw

    • Piyushraj Singh on April 1, 2017 at 12:19 pm
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    What about Macquarie Fields Station?

    • 26red on June 27, 2017 at 6:50 pm
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    I am really enjoying reading your comments on an age old subject such as ghosts .do you still look under your bed before you go to sleep .do you check your closet .the thing is if you open doors you must close them if you need to find a truth ask and sleep chances are if you believe and you have spirits around you they may be able to help .but if you go looking for a spirit that’s been tortured and hurt and is very angry your going to feel some resistance .protection in these circumstanced is futile .don’t forget the eyes under your bed.

    • Haylie on July 2, 2017 at 12:21 pm
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    I went to the quarantine station ghost tour & it’s literally set up to scare you.. The tour guide will make sudden movements, she kicks the bucket in the morgue to scare everyone, she locks you in the steel chambers in the dark then pops through a hole in the wall .. All these things made me roll my eyes, but I couldn’t explain & neither could she (the fear in her eyes was real) when I felt someone or something grab at the pocket of my jeans, no one was behind me & to make it even weirder, I was leaning against a wall.. I have never left a room so fast in my life.. In all though, I would probably go back but do the history tour instead of the ghost one, the history was way more interesting

    • Haylie on July 2, 2017 at 12:24 pm
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    Also, a real scary place to visit (but you can no longer go inside because of the fires) is St. John’s orphanage in Goulburn.. You can just feel the eyes on you from the gates

    • francesg on August 20, 2017 at 6:10 am
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    Scary places to be sure!

    • Caleb on August 30, 2017 at 7:47 am
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    Hey is there any abandoned places I can go to in nsw they can be haunted or not just wanted to know?

    • Ella on July 23, 2018 at 7:34 am
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    I live near picton and i used to live near the redbank cemetry and i would hear voices of little boys and girls saying come play with us.That is why picton is the worlds haunted town and there is over 5 cemetries in the radious of 10 kilometres.

    • Sean on August 3, 2018 at 9:25 pm
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    Guys…. I am returning again tonite to one of these places…. the abandoned hospital I’ll call It by name but not allowed to mention it’s name on social media . However my instagram @chefsean666 and my #hauntednsw hashtag are full of last paranormal investigation n lockdown we had there and other spots …. got some amazing captures . U guys not believe in ghosts n paranormal n spirits of a tortured tuberculosis hospital …. I will change ur minds . If u pop on mention ur from thisishorror.Com

    • Maddie on November 22, 2018 at 4:56 am
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    The first time I saw a full apparition was during the 1990s. I was living on a property in the north-west corner of NSW – literally “back o’ Bourke”. My husband and I along with our 6 month old son had just been to Bourke for the day and were travelling home. Rather than go the long way following the main road (read dirt tracks) we decided to take a short cut through a friend’s property. We called into our friend’s house on the way to say g’day. It was just on dusk although there was still a lot of light. My husband jumped straight out of the car and ran inside. Whilst I was struggling to get the baby and all of his things out of the car, out of the corner of my eye, I saw our friend, Dave. I was just about to turn and say thank you for helping me when he suddenly disappeared. What I clearly saw was a man in his thirties, tall with a heavy beard wearing a khaki shirt and hat. I later found out that the house on the property was once used as a convalescent home during WW1 and was known to be haunted.

    • wayne jessup on December 15, 2018 at 3:41 am
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    I am not a believer in the paranormal. Now, I am not so sure. Back in 2007 a friend had died suddenly at home in Canberra. At this time we were in the process of one of regular disputes. At the time of his death we had no contact with each other, I only learnt of his death while I was at work having read about it on a Wednesday morning before starting work. As this was the first time I had been advised about his death I was in a mild state of shock. Intending to cut out the death notice I started to do so when some one near me stated that before I did so I should check with the owner of this paper the Canberra Times. Asking the small number of fellow workers who did bring that days paper into what was previously a locked room, not one individual claimed to be the owner of that paper. Since that time a number of unexplained happenings have occurred which I have noticed after the aforementioned event had taken place. This year that has changed. I have witnessed three events personally, the first was the shower curtain blowing out as if some thing or someone had exited the space very fast. At this time I wait to see what will happen next.

    • Gabby Peterson on October 27, 2019 at 8:59 am
    • Reply

    if you guys can find any haunted or abandoned places in Dubbo please let me know! if there is anything like the ‘Old Dubbo Gaol’ or the abandoned gas station let me know please! i have a youtube channel with my friend and we go ghost hunting Thank you – gabby

  9. Awesome locations, I love Monte Cristo, here is a database of all the spooky locations in Australia.

      • Tyni red king on May 30, 2021 at 8:47 pm
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      I’ve always been aware of the spiritual/paranormal side of life. I feel we are conditioned to shut off to such things, from in most cases the beginning of our life journeys. Being told that it was just a nightmare or there is nothing there we are being silly etc.
      My mother always taught me to believe in magic, always told me to trust my instincts and always be open to everything my mind, eyes or body felt. Be in touch with my senses I guess. (These are my ways of describing not the actual terminology she used exactly as I had experiences quite young).

      One I have had in the recent years actually bought me to tears in fear that I wouldn’t be believed, not that it mattered but that feeling was truly overwhelming for me at the time. I was in a stage in my life where I had hit rock bottom and yet each day allowed for a deeper decline and a more lonely, isolating awareness of the cruelty of fellow human beings and the realization of just how much I had to lose in possessions, relationships and the loss of everything I was, my beliefs, my moral code, my will power, my entire core traits and everything is always stood for lost to despair, fear, confusion, self pity, and self loathing.
      One night I was at a place I had been staying for a few months and I recall walking down the hall to return to my room right at the end where my friends were sitting having drinks and pizzas. Something caught my eye in the doorway of the first bedroom and I stopped and immediately smiled and said hey to the man standing there clear as day that in turn smiled and waved back to me, I continued to the room a few steps further where I asked my mate who was the guy in his room? (Strange as it seems it was common for my friends relatives to show up anytime day and night at our house due to the place being only a few months before the matriarch of the families home until she passed away and only her grandson now residing there and myself and my 4 year old).
      My friend answered me with confusion “nobody’s in my room sis”. Immediately I was overwhelmed with annoyance and said that yes in fact there was. We both went in the room and the clothes the ma had been wearing were laying on the bed but he was nowhere. I remember a warm feeling when he smiled at me a sort of protective air about his nature towards me.
      I got a little edgy and teary because to me he had been like me or you a real flesh human I described to my two friends. Clear as day solid as can be. I described his appearance perfectly because from the depths of some old folder in a box in the cupboard my friend pulled out the eulogy of his cousin Stanley. Stanley showed himself to me twice more while I resided with his cousin my lifelong friend. Only after departing ways did I realise he came to me on the nights that his cousin was being his most cruel self towards me.

      The house has shown many more things to me and others over the years and strangely while I write this I am currently sitting in the very house I speak of in the lounge room as I’ve lived here 4 times now over the past 4 years. Only myself and one other lady and her children seem to be able to live here. Everyone else is scared or is made feel unwanted by someth ikng they cannot quite explain. When we don’t reside here the house is just abandoned, nobody comes in and steals anything it’s just left as though it is invisible.

      Over my 33 years ive had many encounters with the supernatural and I absolutely love reading of others encounters. I live in bathurst nsw and am eager to explore any places you can tell me of.

        • Carolyn Palmer on January 11, 2023 at 12:15 pm
        • Reply

        I was attending a dinner at a radio station at Glen Innes with my husband and children when I felt a hand touch me on the shoulder. I looked up expecting to see someone, but there was nobody there. Then I noticed my give year old daughter looking behind me and saying “Oh mummy! I thought there was someone standing beside you!” I told the people at the station but they did not seem to be interested. Almost as though it was a bit of sensitive issue. I never mentioned it again and we never went back. I think the station is in an old church and the dinner was being held in what used to be the reception hall. I was pregnant at the time and the whole thing gave me a very bad feeling.

    • Gerry on December 14, 2021 at 7:43 am
    • Reply

    Any one out there has any background information re the haunted house on The Horsley Drive in Fairfield NSW!!! That house has been on the real estate market either for sale or rent until today for nearly the past 30 years.

    • Kirsty on March 13, 2024 at 3:05 pm
    • Reply

    We stayed in the cafe with toys in hill end for 1 night it was definitely haunted. A chilling heavy feeling at night there was definitely a presence there.

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