Category: Reviews

Review: Fever by Wayne Simmons

Fever by Wayne Simmons

Over the past four years Wayne Simmons has fast cemented his reputation as one of the authoritative voices in apocalyptic fiction with a penchant for zombies. Fever, Simmons’ follow-up to his breakout novel Flu, continues this trend with an unrelenting zombie novel where no character is neither safe nor indispensable. And that is part of …

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Review: Beyond Here Lies Nothing by Gary McMahon

Beyond Here Lies Nothing, the concluding part of Gary McMahon’s Concrete Grove trilogy, maintains all the qualities which made the previous two entries compelling reads. It also provides an intriguing ending, leaving the reader with a sense of mouth-watering anticipation that more stories about the mysterious estate at the centre of events may be forthcoming. …

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Review: Edge-Lit 2012

Mid July saw Derby take centre stage for one of the newest and most interesting writing conventions on the calendar, taking in fantasy, horror, science fiction and everything in between. Dan Howarth (news editor and reviewer) and Michael Wilson (editor) went along to sample the delights of their first convention. Read more…

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Review: Kill Zombie!

The denizens of Amsterdam are about to have a very bad day in directing duo Martijn Smits and Erwin Van Den Eshof’s Dutch horror-comedy Kill Zombie! – especially protagonist Aziz (Gaier), who finds one particular morning going from bad, to worse, to horrific. Read more…

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Review: Silent Hill: Downpour

No one would deny that the past few years have been difficult for the Silent Hill series. Following the departure of Team Silent, the development team behind the first four instalments – the second of which is rightfully regarded as a classic of the survival horror genre – publisher Konami has farmed creation of the …

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Review: [Rec]3: Genesis

[REC]3: Genesis deliberately jettisons everything that made the first two films in the franchise frightening and interesting within the first fifteen minutes. Read more…

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FrightFest Review: Tulpa

Do you yearn for the heady days of early 1970s Italian exploitation? Of tales of faceless killers in long black coats and big hats despatching helpless victims in a variety of stylish, needlessly complicated and beautifully filmed ways? Read more…

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FrightFest Review: Dead Sushi

Dead Sushi

We kick off our coverage of last week’s extravaganza, FrightFest 13 with a review of perhaps the most bat-shit-crazy-WTF film of them all. For those who like over-the-top splatterfests like Tokyo Gore Police, let us introduce you to the world of Dead Sushi. Read more…

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Review: Dark Mirror

When you start your film with an opening shot of the main character lying on a blood-soaked bed with their son, looking at a kitchen knife sticking out of their stomach, you’d better ensure that the remainder of the running time lives up to that opening montage. Unfortunately, Dark Mirror fails on nearly every level. …

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Review: Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3 sees the title character depart from his noir, hardboiled detective roots (as demonstrated in the first two instalments, where Max claps his way through drug lords in a gritty New York setting) and venture off into the sunset. Approximately nine years after Max Payne 2, fans are now treated to a completely …

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