5 Must Read Horror Articles 27 May 2024


Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

Crime Reads examine the depictions of nature and human nature in Frankenstein

Writer and editor Olivia Rutigliano focuses in on the depictions of human nature and nature in a broader sense in Mary Shelley’s classic novel.

The Lineup select their six top horror-themed amusement park attractions

The Lineup’s Melissa Pleckham scourse the world’s amusement parks and comes up with six horror-themed attractions that fans of the genre will want to experience.

Dread Central find the facts behind the urban myth of ‘Bloody Mary’

Dread Central’s Tyler Doupe’ looks back at famous witches, the tales of Elizabeth Bathory and Queen Mary I of England to find the inspiration for the urban legend of ‘Bloody Mary’.

The Horror Tree offer up some writing advice on how to effectively use second person point of view

In this writing craft article for The Horror Tree, Melody E McIntyre gives some examples of how second person point of view can be effective and offers some tips on how to get the most out of this viewpoint.

Bloody Disgusting compare all three of the movies from ‘The Strangers’ series

Bloody Disgusting’s Jenn Adams takes the recent release of The Strangers: Chapter One as an opportunity to compare all three movies in the series.

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