This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 19 November 2019

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado:

Sublime Horror have a feature article on Dracula and vampires generally as queer liberators

Stephan Hoda, writing for Sublime Horror, writes on the vampire and its connections to queer individuals. At times personal anecdote and at others taking a more critical approach, this article is well worth reading.

Listverse provide ten horror movies and some unusual fan theories they have generated

Estelle from Listverse picks out ten horror movies which have generated some interesting fan theories. From the credible to the quite ludicrous, one even likens a famous horror villain to Mary Poppins.

Sci-fi and Scary feature a guest post from Damien Angelica Walters on the celebrity status of serial killers

Taking time out from her busy schedule promoting The Dead Girls’ Club, Damien Angelica Walters writes this guest post for Sci-fi and Scary on the enduring cult of celebrity around serial killers.

LitReactor explain how including ritual in a story can bring it to life

Richard Thomas, writing for LitReactor’s Storyville series, explains how including ritual in fiction can bring it to life, including examples of where it has been done to good effect in his own work.

Kendall Reviews talk to Christopher Henderson about his new novel, The Horror At Lavender Edge

Kendall Reviews invite Christopher Henderson for an interview about his latest release, the Horror At Lavender Edge and much more.

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