This Is Horror

News Round-up Week Ending 15 November 2019

Here’s a small selection of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week …

New from Kaaron Warren and Meerkat Shorts, Into Bones Like Oil

People come to The Angelsea, a rooming house near the beach, for many reasons. Some come to get some sleep, because here, you sleep like the dead. Dora arrives seeking solitude and escape from reality. Instead, she finds a place haunted by the drowned and desperate, who speak through the sleeping inhabitants. She fears sleep herself, terrified that the ghosts of her daughters will tell her “it’s all your fault we’re dead.” At the same time, she’d give anything to hear them one more time. In this new short work from Kaaron Warren (Tide of Stone) and Meerkat Shorts we explore themes of love, loss, grief and guilt. Tade Thompson (The Murders of Molly Southbourne) calls it “a tale of creeping dread.” Released on 12 November, you can get your copy here.

Coming 29 November from Crystal Lake Publishing and author Ben Eads, Hollow Heart, a horror novella

Featuring the stunning artwork (pictured) by Ben Baldwin, Hollow Heart by Ben Eads (Cracked Sky), is the next release in the new horror novella line from Crystal Lake Publishing. Featuring the logline: “Welcome to Shady Hills, Florida, where death is the beginning and pain is the only true Art…”, Hollow Heart is described by Kealan Patrick Burke (Kin, Sour Candy) as “the warped demonic lovechild of Clive Barker and Chuck Palahniuk.” Available as a paperback and eBook, and released on 29 November, we’ll be sure to let you know when pre-orders begin for this new work of terror.


Coming 29 November from Journalstone and edited by William Holloway and Brett J. Talley, The Abyssal Plain: The R’lyeh Cycle

Featuring authors Michelle Garza and Melissa Lason (Tapetum Ludicum) and Rich Hawkins (Black Star, Black Sun) alongside William Holloway (Song of the Death God) and Brett J. Talley (He Who Walks in Shadow) who also take on editing duties, The Abyssal Plain: The R’lyeh Cycle is a combination of four novellas which reimagine Lovecraft’s Cthulu mythos. Centred around an occurrence referred to simply as ‘the event,’ witness chaos unfold in the Sonoran Desert, Alabama, England and the Pacific Ocean as he rises. Released 29 November, you can pre-order your copy now, here.