This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 30 Jul 2017

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado:

A Day With George A Romero

Back in the early 1990s Fangoria’s Marc Cerulli got the opportunity to spend the day with the late, great George A Romero, and has shared his experience and photos from the day.

Interview With VFX Legion SFX Company

Without special effects, most horror films would be a lot less horrific. Wicked Horror talks to SFX company VFX Legend about their work.

10 Horror Movies That Got People Investigated, Punished, & Even Arrested

Horror Freak’s Joshua Millican takes a look at ten films that the authorities took quite an interest in.

Why Martin Remains Unparalleled in its Portrayal of Vampires

While the late George A Romero is best known for his Dead films, one of his finest outings was the vampire film Martin. Wicked Horror’s Nat Brehmer takes a look back at this oft overlooked gem.

Horror Leads The Way In Gender Equality

Horror films often get a bad rap for many things, but a recent study shows that on-screen equality isn’t one of them.

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