This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 19 August 2019

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado:

Cinema Blend explain why Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark is the perfect gateway to horror for young viewers

Mike Reyes dives into the André Øvredal-directed Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and unpacks why it is the ideal film to introduce younger viewers to the world of horror.

Newsarama preview a new cosmic horror comic series from Vault Comics, Black Stars Above

Newsarama’s Chris Arrant takes a first look at a new cosmic horror comic from Vault Comics, titled Black Stars Above. Described as The Revenant meets Silent Hill with a dash of Lovecraftian horror, this is one to be on the lookout for.

Kendall Reviews talk to author and co-founder of Red Cape Publishing, Philip Rogers

Kendall Reviews catch up with Philip Rogers to talk about his fiction and his work as co-founder of Red Cape Publishing. pick out ten horror comic properties that would make for excellent film adaptations

Nicholas Howe at picks out ten horror comic properties which would be ideal for film adaptations, including work by Joe Hill, Raven Gregory and many more.

The Ladies of Horror Fiction podcast features two stories of body horror from Tracy Fahey and Gabriela Houston

A must-listen horror article to finish, with Toni from The Ladies of Horror Fiction reading two outstanding examples of body horror from Tracy Fahey and Gabriela Houston.

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