This Is Horror

News Round-up Week Ending 19 June 2020

Here’s a small selection of the horror and genre news that caught our eye during the last week …

Castle Bridge Media announce new anthology, Castle of Horror Volume 3: Summer Lovin’ and launch party

Featuring authors such as David Bowles (Lords of the Earth), In Churl Yo (Isonation) and Renee Miller (Eat the Rich), among others, this summer-themed anthology features tales of dreams of days at the beach gone wrong, ghostly gothic stories, time warps and wasp women. You can pre-order your copy of the anthology here, and you can also take part in the launch party, where the authors will be on hand to talk summer, horror and answer all of your questions. The party will take place on Zoom, at 6:30 PM Pacific Time on release day, 22 June. The link for the party is here.

New from Bram Stoker Award-nominated author Greg Chapman, Bleak Precision, a chapbook of previously unpublished stories

Greg Chapman describes this short story collection as a bit of fun and something of an experiment in direct selling on his website. Featuring eight stories, one essay and a number of pieces of original artwork, the chapbook is available for just $5, direct from the author. Already picking up a number of favourable reviews, this is a great opportunity for fans of Chapman’s work to get more or for those who are unfamiliar with the author to dip their feet in the water. You can get full details, including on how to purchase, here.

Shadow Puppet, the final novella in the Kendra Temples: The Demonic Diaries series, available now

The classic epistolary format of the horror genre is updated for the 21st century in this freaky and fun series from Eve Harms, that practically reads itself. From the back cover of Volume 1, The Secret Name: “Working in a creepy mansion surrounded by old books is kind of my dream job, but this might be too creepy—even for me. They asked weird interview questions like “Have you ever seen a dead body”, I swear I heard a woman screaming last night, and I’m sure the owner is hiding something—like why he hired me as a librarian in the first place. But I can’t quit now. If I miss rent again my boyfriend will finally kick ol’ broke Kendra (me) to the curb and into hobodom. Plus, it’s great inspiration for my writing. I just hope I don’t end up starring in a gothic horror story of my own… Anyways, I’ll update you guys here, in my blog.” Follow Kendra’s adventures working shitty retail jobs, solving occult riddles, traversing hell dimensions, and puking in goth club bathrooms! Binge the entire Kendra Temples: The Demonic Diaries series here

Come Tomorrow, a collection of short fiction, available now from author Jayaprakash Satyamurthy

Ghost stories within ghost stories, shadows from the past and strange intimations from the cosmos converge with the shifting realities of the city of Bangalore in this collection of lyrical, haunting short stories. There are shades of Lovecraft, Ligotti and Aickman, but most of all these stories seek to capture something of the layered, uncanny nature of the city they are set in. Let Jayaprakash Satyamurthy be your guide on a tour of the bean town that might change you forever. Released 4 June, through Notion Press, Come Tomorrow is available right now, in paperback and eBook, here.