This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 5 Feb 2018

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to. Without further ado:

The Guardian have a feature article warning of the curse of the viral film in the horror industry

Stuart Heritage of The Guardian picks out the forthcoming movie Selfie from Hell as an example of why viral videos and phenomena don’t always translate well to the big screen.

Gaming site IGN dig up Marvel horror anime movies that you’ve likely never heard of

IGN’s William Bibbiani looks back at Marvel movies from the early 80s, when they went through a spate of anime releases in the horror genre, including DraculaSovereign of the Damned and The Monster of Frankenstein.

The Telegraph has a very favourable review of the BBC’s new horror series, Requiem

Gabriel Tate of The Telegraph writes an enthusiastic review of the first episode of the BBC’s new horror series, Requiem. Beware, this article contains spoilers.

Signal Horizon looks at toxic masculinity in horror through the lens of Women in Horror month

This fascinating article in Signal Horizon looks at toxic masculinity in a variety of horror classics, including The Dark TowerDracula, and more besides and asks for more women in horror, to tone it down.

Vampire Squid catch up with Mark Morris to talk about his work on the adaptation of Blood on Satan’s Claw

With the audio adaptation of Blood on Satan’s Claw now available, Tom Osbourne of Vampire Squid chats to Mark Morris about his involvement with the project.

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