This Is Horror

5 Must Read Horror Articles 13 February 2023

Welcome to Must Read Horror, where we search the internet for the best horror articles of the week so you don’t have to.  Without further ado:

Crime Reads explain why readers should have more sympathy for ghosts than fear

Johnny Compton, author of The Spite House, writes this article for Crime Reads, explaining why we should greet ghosts with pity more than terror.

LitReactor suggest six horrormance books to get readers in the mood for Valentine’s Day

Writer and poet Sara Tantlinger, writing for LitReactor, picks out six horrormance books guaranteed to make your Valentine’s Day a macabre one.

The Horror Tree offer up writing advice on how to generate a scary atmosphere in your spooky tales

Writer Ally Wilkes offers writing advice to help create a scary atmosphere in your spooky tales, in this article for The Horror Tree.

Bloody Disgusting look back at David Cronenberg’s Videodrome after forty years and explain why it’s more relevant than ever

Bloody Disgusting’s Brian Keiper looks back at Videodrome after forty years and finds a film which is more relevant today than ever.

Horrified Magazine sit down with director Ric Rawlins to discover some of the inspiration behind his folk horror anthology Rewilding

With his folk horror anthology Rewilding now available for rent on Prime Video, director Ric Rawlins sits down with Horrified Magazine to talk about ten prime influences behind it.

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